Are DGCustomerFirst stores accepted everywhere?

No part of the retail world has been as successful in recent years as the Dollar Store. The trio of major dollar retail chains (Dollar General, Family Dollar, and Dollar Tree) has grown significantly. For example, the number of generals in dollars has doubled in a decade from around 5,000 to more than 10,000 locations. But even if dollar stores extend beyond their bread and butter malls to malls of choice for upper and middle-class shoppers, there are places where dollar stores do not. are not welcome.

One such place is Chester, Vermont, a city as picturesque as a state known for its picturesque times.

Dollar General already has more than a dozen stores in Vermont, including a 10-minute drive from Chester to Springfield. Springfield is the city you’d expect from a dollar store – it’s a former riverside manufacturing center near the New Hampshire border. There are several fast-food chains and shopping malls in the city. For the most part, the only tourists visiting Springfield are heading to nicer places.

DGCustomerFirst Frequently Asked Questions

Have a look at the DGCustomerFirst FAQ section below. It might help you to get the solution to some of your common queries on the spot from here:

What is the reason behind launching the DGCustomerFirst Survey?

The sole purpose behind launching this online customer satisfaction survey is to enhance the customer satisfaction level on the premises of the Dollar General.

Where can I participate in the official DGCustomerFirst Survey?

You can participate in this official survey at Here is a link to official website.

Is the above-provided link to official website safe?

Yes. This link is totally safe.

What are the DGCustomerFirst rewards?

You will be receiving some cashback and discounts on the products you purchase from the Dollar General stores.

I am 15 years old. Can I participate in the DGCustomerFirst Survey?

No. Only the person having age above 18 are allowed to participate in the DGCustomerFirst Survey.

Now Dollar General is trying to open a new location on Common City Street in charming Chester, and it’s not surprising that many residents fear, among other things, that the presence of a Dollar company is stealing business. and pop.

The proposed total 9,000-square-foot dollar is much smaller than a typical grocery store or supermarket, but it would still be the largest retailer in the city. Opponents believe that the character and size of the store would not fit Chester and that this would undermine the city’s picturesque appeal, perhaps even sending non-governmental visitors elsewhere to find the typical New England home experience.

The New York Times noted the dispute, noting that residents fear the arrival of a dollar store “is the beginning of the end of what might be called Chester’s Vermontiness.” The Chester Zoning Board temporarily granted Dollar General permission to sue the company, provided the chain met dozens of conditions, including the fact that the company has a traditional external route. However, appeals are filed and there is no agreement that Chester has a dollar contract.

As a child, I remember going through Chester several times, going to my family in New Hampshire, and ironically, I remembered visiting the city’s dollar store more. Well, it wasn’t called a dollar store. It was essentially an outdated store, and was a boon to the breadth of the candy and toy line, though it probably sold from 5 to 10 at the time.

The Chester Chamber of Commerce does not list the city’s general stores, and the Times notes that Barnard’s general store, an hour’s drive from Chester, closes this week. At the same time, dollar stores, and especially Dollar General, are stepping up their efforts to sell more groceries, called pressure on the dollar store to become “the new general store.”